Kangaroo Paw Room

  • Overview: Kangaroo Paw Room

    Wyndarra’s Kangaroo Paw Room caters for up to 15 children between three (3) to five (5) years of age.

    Our Kangaroo Paw Room is part of one large room which has been divided into two play spaces.

    Play is the most effective means for providing rich, diverse thinking and oral language, social skills, problem solving, numeracy and literacy skills.

    The Kangaroo Paw Room educators provide planned and unplanned experiences for the children to prepare them for Kindergarten and primary school. Their play becomes more structured and self-help skills are encouraged and supported during their play.

    The yard has a large bark area, with challenging climbing equipment and, a large sandpit, decorative concrete area for table activities, great size cubby house. The outdoor activities reflect individual developmental intentions, this allows for developmental growth for each child.

    Our gardens are well developed providing beautiful shady play spaces and a natural learning environment for the children to discover and explore.

    The children manage a worm farm and the fertiliser is used on their veggie garden. Herb and veggies from their garden is scaffolded through their learning and used in cooking experiences.

    Room Ratio one (1) staff per 11 children.

    • Age Group:
      3 to 5 Years
    • Class Size:
    • Educators:
    • Hours:
      6:30am to 6:30pm
  • Kangaroo Paw Rooms Day

    An approximate routine of how your Kinder-age child spends the day at the centre:

    • 6:30 am
      Centre opens. Staff heat/cool rooms. All children stay in the Bluebell Room for family grouping with other children and served breakfast.
    • 8:00 am
      Breakfast finishes. Other children will move to their own rooms.
    • 9:00 - 11:15 am
      Morning tea is served and developmentally appropriate indoor/outdoor programs begin
    • 11:30 am
      Developmentally appropriate indoor/outdoor programs continue.
    • 12:00 pm
      Lunch is served. Other children are put down for a sleep or rest. Children who don’t sleep or rest will read a book or play quietly on the mat until the floors are clean then resume play.
    • 2:00 pm
      Children awake from sleep and resume activities.
    • 3:00 pm
      Afternoon tea is served.
    • 4:00 pm
      Developmentally appropriate indoor/outdoor programs continue. Between 4:00 and 5:00 pm, children will begin to family group the over 3 and Kinder children together.
    • 5:30 pm
      Late snack for children still at centre. Children will then family group in the Toddler room.
    • 6:30 pm
      Centre closes.

    The centre routine is flexible and should only be seen as a general guide to your child’s day. The center recognises that all children are individuals and their needs vary daily.