How do we enrol?
Contact the service and make enquirers. Should a vacancy be unavailable to you at the time of inquiry your details and requirements will be put onto the centre’s waiting list. The waiting list works on the priority of access guidelines and length of time on the waiting list, families will be notified once a position suiting their requests becomes available.
What happens when we have a position?
Prior to children commencing at Wyndarra Children’s Centre, we strongly encourage both children and parents/guardians to orientate themselves into the centre. By attending the centre for short periods of time prior to commencement enables the child to settle a little easier, and allows opportunity for parents and staff to discuss the needs of the child. Parents can use this orientation time to ask staff questions about the care their child will receive and also the staff can find out as much about the child/ren routines to ensure their day is happy and smooth. We have observation monitors in the foyer for parents to watch their child play and settle into their new environment. If you have any further questions about orientation please do not hesitate to speak to the office staff.
Upon accepting a position, enrolment forms will be issued to be completed and a commencement date will be agreed upon, within a two-week period. This allows time for orientation visits. The holding deposit will be required to be paid, which is calculated at $50.00 per booked day.
What do you need to bring?
Children learn through “hands on” play and getting involved in their environment, therefore, please dress your child in comfortable clothing that they may freely move in and doesn’t matter if they get a little dirty. We take every precaution available to protect clothing, however “children will be children” and inevitably get a bit messy through play.
Please label all items of clothing, hats, security items, dummies and bottles that your child is wearing or bringing to the centre with their name, we are not responsible for items being misplaced. All unlabelled lost property will be in the rooms. Unclaimed clothing is donated to a charity after a few months. If your child is drinking formula milk, then you will need to provide made up bottles to be consumed on the day. Breast milk can be frozen, or in bottles to be consumed on the day. All bottles must have a cap on them and labelled with your child’s name. All items of food / bottles will need to be signed into the service each day.
Parents can bring any security item that your child may have to make their settling period easier.
You will need to bring a bag each day with the following items:
– Two (2) full changes of clothing in case your child gets wet / dirty throughout the day. If the child is toilet training, extra pants, socks, under pants and shoes may also be required.
– A legionnaires or wide brimmed hat is required (preferably one that can be left at the centre) clearly labelled with your child’s name printed on it. We provide 30+ Sunscreen, as we are a sun smart accredited centre. “NO HAT, NO OUTSIDE PLAY” from October through May.
– Winter jacket / coat is a must. Winter hat and gloves are up to you. Children will go outside to play over the colder months. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that they are suitably dressed for the seasons.
– The centre provides nappies. Children are checked each hour for changes and recorded for families.
– If your child is drinking formula milk, then you will need to provide made up bottles, labelled with your child’s name. All bottles must have a cap on them.
– If your child has medication please bring this in clearly labelled with your child’s name, and complete documentation on the day with the dosage information.
– For children who have allergies, you must provide an Allergic or Anaphylactic Action Plan with the child’s medication while in care. We will request that this medication be left on the premises.What are the Fees?
Contact the service for an updated fee schedule. Fees are set out in accordance to the budget requirements, to ensure financial viability for the service. Fees are paid via direct debit or Centrepay. Direct debit arrangement is to be signed up upon enrolment.
If you are booked in and paid your deposit, your position will be held for two (2) weeks. If care does not commence, you will not have your deposit refunded. If you are to rebook in the future, your deposit does not carry over.
If fees become overdue due to payment default, parents will be notified in writing and give two (2) weeks’ notice to bring their payments up to date. If payment is not made, or a payment plan has not been discussed with the director, then the childcare position will be cancelled, and the account will be forwarded to our solicitor for collection.
Fees are still charged if your family is on holidays, if your child is sick or absent and on public holidays.
For further information, please download the Hourly Session Information 2021 fact sheet using this link https://wyndarrachildcarecentre.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Hourly-Session-Information-2021.pdf
How do we apply for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?
The new child care package is being introduced from 1st JULY, 2018.
Follow the links below to work out an estimate of your child care subsidy and apply for the CCS to reduce your child care out of pocket costs:
Human Services: Child Care Subsidy (https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/child-care-subsidy)
Services Australia: Child Care Subsidy (https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/child-care-subsidy/how-much-you-can-get)Is there reduced fees when a child is absent or on Holidays?
No, there is no discounted rates for absent days. Normal fees are charged absence due to illness, holidays and public holidays.
What are the Parent’s role with in our centre?
Our philosophy outlines in detail, how collaborative relationships with families play an important role in the care and education of their children . At Wyndarra Children’s Centre we strive to keep open relationships between the children’s home life and the time spent in childcare.
During your time at Wyndarra, we will encourage parent feedback and suggestions to our program and ideas to strengthen our service with our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).
This may be communicated verbally, written in communication books or parent input sheets, by answering questionnaires, parents/educator meetings or communicating via email. As well as verbal communication, educators may use e-mail to forward newsletters, and learning documentation.
Please feel free to e-mail the service and provide educators with information which can support your child’s learning.
Can I bring my unwell child?
It is in the best interest of both the children and staff if your child is unwell, please do not attend child care.
A MEDICAL CLEARANCE SLIP MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CENTRE PRIOR TO THE CHILD RETURNING FOR ANY KIND OF INFECTIOUS OR CONTAGIOUS ILLNESS, THIS IS AT THE DESCRETION OF THE CHILD CARE SERVICE. If the child becomes unwell at the centre, the educators will contact the parents and request collection preferably within an hour of the call.
We ask that if your child does have a contagious illness that you notify the service so we can inform our families as soon as possible to control an outbreak within the centre.
We aim that by having these policies and procedures in place that we provide as healthy an environment as possible for your child.
Below is a list of the most common illness:
Conjunctivitis (mucous secretion from the eyes): is very contagious, in the event of a suspected case of conjunctivitis; you will be contacted to collect your child from the centre (a clearance will need to be provided upon returning to care, or until the discharge has ceased).
Diarrhea / vomiting: this can be very contagious, children must be kept away until 24 hours after the last loose stool or vomit, or a doctor’s clearance has been issued stating that they are fit for care. Please note, if this clearance is provided, and the child is still vomiting or has watery stools, we will send them home, as they are not fit to be in a child care environment. If a child has been diagnosed with GASTRO, we need to be notifies ASAP, and children are to be kept away for 48 hours as a requirement from the health department.
Headlice: Parents may be called if a child has live head lice, it is a requirement that a child’s hair is treated and nit eggs combed out before returning to the service. If only nit eggs are found on a child, parents will be notified.